Sunday 2 December 2007

Nintendo Wii more expensive than last Holidays

About one year ago our I4U Shop got several Wii consoles in stock. The price in December 2006 was $476.11. Today we got again stock of Nintendo Wii consoles from wholesale channels. The best price we can make this year is $538.80, that is a $60 price increase. This is crazy. Products are supposed to get cheaper with time. Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 actually did get cheaper this year.

The lowest price on the Amazon 3rd party Wii offers is $548.00. We at least are able to beat that price and our shipping fee is also lower.
I really would rather be able to offer the Wii console for the $249.99 price Nintendo has set for it. Our shop is though dependent on the prices wholesalers make.

On eBay the Wii console prices are a bit better. It looks like it is worth to follow some auctions and you might be able to score a Wii for around $400.

The best way to find a Wii for the actual MSRP, is still in stores. You can use The Yahoo! Wii Finder or the iTrackr service to locate stores near you that have Wii in stock.

Nintendo has announced record sales already this holiday season. Demand is by far still outstripping supply. Nintendo said that they ramped up production to 1.8 million units, but it is just not enough, as the Wii is not just a hot selling item in the U.S.

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